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7 Ways To Dress To Impress A Girl - How To Dress To Attract More Girls - Pillar Advice

A study shows that you only need 100 milliseconds, not even a full second but a hundred milliseconds to form an impression of someone how likable are they, how trustworthy are they, how attractive are, and then when they realize in the study is that any further exposure meaning more time being around that person they didn't actually change your first initial thought of them and those first hundred milliseconds.

You want to know what that means that the clothing that you wear sends a powerful message more so than what you say and how smooth you are. Meaning that your clothing needs to be on point, and you're gonna know and learn how to become an attractive beast like you know what should you be wearing to look and feel good.

We got you covered but more so today boys, we're gonna show you seven items of clothing pieces that you can wear that when a girl lays their eyes on you, build just like that in a hundred milliseconds, they'll feel attracted.

1. Clothing That Makes You Look Wider

You want clothing that just makes you look wider. See, anything that just builds up the shoulders just makes you look tough, it makes you look dominant. A great example of this will be Bomber Jackets.

This is a classic staple everybody should have in their wardrobe, it's ultra-versatile whether you're a streetwear guy or like more casual menswear, a bomber jacket will always be useful but the puffiness and the shoulders built up your top frame to make you look more powerful, more dominant and that is something that any girl will quickly pick up on and those first hundred milliseconds.

2. Gray Wool Trousers

They're kind of impractical for everyday life. Well, wool trousers' none of that while still allowing you to look and dress smarter, you could wear them with dress shoes or pair them with sneakers or on the top frame you can pair them with t-shirts, sweaters or dress shirts and in every single occasion, you'll be one of the smartest dressed guys in the room without feeling uncomfortable or out of place and that again women will notice in the first hundred milliseconds.

3. Slight/Minimal Necklace

You see, jewelry is probably one of the best ways to set yourself apart if you do it right, if you do it wrong, it can go very bad very quickly. When it comes to jewelry for men, there's not much that you can wear, you got to watch, maybe your ring if you're married and other than that, a bracelet and a necklace.

Some dudes over stack it to the point that in the first hundred milliseconds, all girls are gonna think that dude looks kind of feminine, it looks kind of weird. However, if you do it right using the right stuff like a minimal necklace, this sends the right message in the first hundred milliseconds.

4. Wear Reading Glasses

You're gonna love this one, everybody has that feeling, when you put on frames, you just feel better because you know it's a structure in your face but reading glass is those two things. One, it makes you look smarter, it makes you look like you're a man of intellect, a man that's superior mentally than everybody else like you can hold a conversation and that's she's gonna notice with those first hundred milliseconds. The second thing that these do is that they actually highlight your eyes for a deeper and stronger eye contact connection.

5. Wear A Bold Colour That Suits Your Skin

Be the center of attention, you want to wear a bold color that just suits your skin, this is how peacocks just flock their beautiful colorful feathers to attract a mate. Well, you'll be doing the same thing but you should be strutting that sexy skin tone color that you have. That's just gonna be popping all because of that bright colored shirt that you're gonna wear that suits your skin tone.

6. Keep It Simple

Keep it simple, we mean don't overdo it with the logos and the massive graphic tees and

stuff that's too much to handle. Most girls find this like - you're trying too hard or like you're flexing especially when it comes to brands, you don't actually have to spend four or five or even $1,000 on a single piece because most girls, find it obnoxious especially if it's something super hype, like Gucci or Supreme. None of that is necessary, you can buy yourself no-name generic simple stuff as long as it fits good and it's gonna do the same job in those 100 milliseconds, you're going to impress her, mainly by your maturity level.

7. Black Leather Jacket

Like the Bomber Jacket, a leather jacket, it's essential, it doesn't matter what time of the year it is, this is your time to buy one because it's summer so guess what, all the retailers, they're heavily discounting their leather jackets and all their fall stuff.

So, this is your time to buy those pieces at like 70% off, that way when winter hit, you're gonna be an attractive magnetic stud where everywhere you go, anytime a girl sees you, they're gonna be attracted to you because a leather jacket, it just signals that you're a bad boy, you're a tough guy that you don't take bullcrap from anybody and guess what, girls want that toxicity.

That's it for today's tips and those are 7 Dressing Tips To Attract More Girls, we hope you enjoyed it and if you did, don't forget to share and drop us a comment down below.



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