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7 Men's Clothing Items That Women Hate - Pillar Advice

There's a lot of things that we do that we think to make us look better but in reality, it's killing our chances with women and there are costly items pretty much or anything that makes you look like a tool, a brick, or a douche bag. Since those are all qualities women hate in a guy and even though you're not, and that's the message that your clothing is sending. So today, we have compiled the list of the top seven and we call it the anti douchebag list, the top seven things most guys wear that women hate.

1. Dress To Show Off Your Money

This is so prevalent right now and probably one of the worst things you can do with your style. When you're addressing and try to impress somebody else by how much money you have; many guys do this by flaunting brands like Louis VIII, Gucci, Assante Laurent, Balenciaga, or any other high brand like Supreme. Most of these guys end up looking like walking billboards wearing brands head to toe. In reality, they're just looking ridiculous on top of not looking stylish, and the message you're sending to women is that you're so insecure you got to show how much money you have with your clothing, and like we said even though that might not be you, that's the message your clothing sends and what women perceive. Women want guys that are confident and secure, what they have so this is not a bash against those friends when it says just being more balanced, don't be a walking billboard, and rep every single name brand from head-to-toe.

2. Clothing That Just Shows Too Much Cleavage

When you really start to think about it, put yourself in her shoes, if you're a guy and you see a girl that's pretty much dressed half-naked is showing way too much you'll automatically think that she's trashy and good for a one-night stand even though she might not be, that's the message you're receiving. Well sadly the same standard is for men when girls see guys that just show way too much cleavage, they're just gonna automatically think that you're a tool bag, a man that's too into himself and definitely not boyfriend material.

3. Not Wearing Under Shirts

One thing for sure, no woman wants to see sweat stains on you, on your t-shirts, or on your dress shirt, it just looks gross and disgusting even though it's a natural bodily function. So to avoid turning off women and coming off unattractive, you always want to wear an undershirt and it doesn't matter if it's a sweatshirt, a t-shirt, or a dress shirt, if you wear the right ones, which has a super deep V neck, that allows you to show a little bit of man cleavage and again nobody will ever notice you have an undershirt underneath. These things change the game and if you ever try one you'll never wear a shirt without one of these again especially on hot days and guys start wearing these to stop sweating.

4. Socks With Sandal

This is probably one of the worst fashion but there's something worse than this wearing slides on your bare feet out in public pretty much anytime, wearing any form of informal footwear like sandals or slides, that's not near the water like beach or pool, women are gonna be unattractive to you, hands down, no girl wants to see a guy's toes, we guarantee you that and so many guys feel that slides are acceptable footwear and will actually walk out. Do yourself a favor and cover your toes.

5. Wearing Glasses Indoor

There is no absolute reason why you should be wearing glasses indoors not only is it just not appropriate or polite but again in a girl's mind, the tool bag and douche alarm are just going off the radar. The whole point with glasses is to protect you from the sun's harmful rays and of course, a major side benefit is that it makes you look attractive if it suits your face.

6. Wearing Sports Jersey's

Unless you were drafted by a team, there is no absolute reason you should be wearing that Jersey every single day as if it's appropriate clothing to wear to go out. It is a 100% certainty no one is gonna like that, and a guy that actually put in a little bit of effort and is dressed better than you could steal your girl. These shirts are baggy they don't flatter your body shape and if you aren't built the sleeveless design is just gonna show off your skinny arms and none of that's gonna help you.

7. Wearing The Wrong Colors

Combining colors, it's very tricky and it usually starts just going downhill when you decide to take that fashion-forward step of combining multiple colors in your outfit. Our recommendation to you especially to attract girls is to stick to neutral colors or your basic color - Tan, Navy, White, Olive, Gray, Charcoal, Black, these are all basic colors that you can combine within each other and they're always gonna look good and always gonna make you look sophisticated.

That's basically it for today's tips and those are the top 7 things most girls want guys to stop doing with their style. If you guys liked this post and found that informative, don't forget to share and comment down below.



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