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10 Best Compliments To Give A Girl You Like - Pillar Advice

So you love her, you are in love with her, you want to tell her she is the most beautiful woman in the world and you just want to express everything you got inside of you or maybe you just saw a pretty girl that walked by you want to compliment her.

You don't know how to do it, either way, we will help you cover by giving you the exact compliments on how you should be complimenting a girl. See, if you do it wrong, you're going to be a simp, a simpleton, like the rest of the guys that are in her Dm's already and she's just going to ignore you right, you're just going to fuel her ego, she's not going to fall in love with you.

You're going to look like a 40-year-old creeper commenting on her Instagram post or if you ignore her completely and don't do it at all, she won't even know you exist, you want to be right in the middle, you want to be that you want to deliver that right compliment, that's going to spark the interest and sexual attraction in her. So, here are the 10 following ways to compliment a girl:

1. You're Not Like Everyone Else

You just gotta tell her the things she wants to hear. See, women fall in love through their ear, and when you tell her that she's unique, bro, come on, it's gonna be like butter in your hand; it has to be super subtle and you're not saying - " Oh my god, you're so sexy, you're so beautiful ", that's corny and you shouldn't say that.

You can say - " You're different, You're not like everybody else ". This is subtle but it plants a seed, that could blossom into a romantic relationship if you water it right.

2. Your Smile Is So Pretty / Seeing Your Smile Makes My Day

Keep in mind that these are compliments and not pickup lines, meaning you're not just going to drop it without any context and expect this girl to just koala bear hug you and it's just a married day. No, that's a mistake most guys make which is why it's cringy.

Instead, when you guys are vibing everything's good and you guys are having a good time when you guys are laughing, you drop her that " Your smile is beautiful or your smile makes my day ".

3. You've Got Nice Eyes/Lips/Hair

You just want to say anything other than her body or the dump truck that that girl carries on with her. See, every time you just compliment her on her body or how beautiful she is, this is a compliment that she gets a million times a day.

So when you say she's completely unfazed by it, you're one of the other ones, it just doesn't move them at all but slightly tweaking it to something specific, a characteristic that really makes her stand out that that's gonna catch your attention.

4. God! You're So Attractive

Again, this is like the smile one, it's not a pickup line, it's a compliment, don't just walk up to her and be like " God! you're so attractive ". You'll be a creep, there's no contact, she doesn't even know you bro but instead when you guys are actually in a conversation, it doesn't even have to be the first date that she's really spilling about her goals and her ambitions and her dreams.

When the conversation's deep, drop - " God! You're so attractive " and then just watch how she reacts and she's gonna realize that you're not seeing her as physically attractive but you find her mind sexy and that that's gonna catch her off guard.

5. I Love That Place, What Do You Think?

Okay, it's not a direct compliment but a great way to kind of slide into the dm so you don't want to be the loser that's freaking commenting emojis on her page like the other 40-year-old creepers that are on her comments.

You don't want to be that dude instead, find something that's relatable and experience, food, something that she's done or said, or something about her that you've also done that you both can connect with and then proceed to open a conversation with that.

So, let's say she went to Tulum and you also went to Tulum and that's when you're like - " I love that place, do you wanna try out? ". Whatever place that you know is popular there, that way, you guys can develop a conversation about something. You guys already have in common and it's a more genuine way that it's a guarantee you will get more responses.

6. Just When I Think I Know You, You Surprise Me

This is great for Instagram text dm or even in person especially after she's talking about herself and she might have said something that made her look a bit cooler, maybe she just went skydiving or she wanted a word or she killed a presentation or she got her new job.

Whatever it is, when she tells you something that she's proud of, drop this line, it's a genuine compliment and she's really gonna appreciate it.

7. I Can't Put My Finger On It But You Got This Attractive Cool Vibe About You

This is great for a girl you just met that you just started talking with her whether it's online or in-person and it's a great way to kind of test the waters, just dip your toe in and see how she reacts to your compliment.

If she doesn't push back and she giggles a little bit, maybe gets a little bit closer, that's a positive response, you're good to go and this girl is probably liking you. But if she pushes back a little bit or makes a cringe face or is a little reserved, maybe you're moving a little bit too fast. You should pull back and definitely don't go deeper with the compliments.

That's basically it for today's tips and those are seven ways to compliment a girl. If you like this post and found it informative, don't forget to share and drop us a comment down below.



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