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8 Best Tips To Last Longer In Bed - Proven Tips - Step By Step - Pillar Advice

How to last longer in bed? Today we're going to give you a bunch of tips about how to last longer in the bedroom, we're pretty sure that at least one of these is gonna get rid of the problem for you, so, before jumping into the tips, we're going to say about how long does sex last. Those of you who don't have it had sex that much sex doesn't last as long as it

does in the movies, if you're watching pornos and all that stuff they're banging for like 20 or 30 minutes sex does not last that long.

If you're having sex for that long ok she's probably bored and probably hurting so if you're gonna go that long if getting breaks, there are multiple sessions involved, if you last about 5 to 7 minutes, that's long enough for most people, that's the average amount of time people are spending doing vaginal sex. So, if you're lasting that long, you're fine, this is for guys that are doing a couple of pumps and they're done.

1. Don't Stress And Be Ready For Round 2

The first thing about this is don't think that cuming too quickly is that big of a deal, when it happens don't blame it on her telling her that she was so sexy and you couldn't

hold back and then locked and loaded and ready to go for round two in about two to three minutes. If you have that mentality, you're probably not gonna be doing the classic mistake of making it awkward where you're like you cum too quickly and then you're just like - "Oh I suck or you apologize or you say you're sorry".

Whatever happens, if you're ready to go over in like a couple of minutes, it's not that big of a deal. If you're one of those guys where you cum too quickly and then you can't have sex after that you're like your dick won't get hard, obviously, there's a problem there and if you are having this problem, it's probably a psychological issue.

A psychological issue is affecting your performance you're probably in your head too much you're probably thinking like before you have sex and you're like - " Don't cum too quickly, don't cum too quickly" she's touching your dick and you're getting really aroused and what if she thinks bad things about you if you cum too quickly, she's not gonna want to see you again and you got a lot of shivering running through your head.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation, all of this stuff is designed to get those voices out of your head. So, when you're in the moment when you're actually with somebody that you like, then you're going to actually relax, you're going to actually experience the person, you're gonna have a lot better of a time and you're not going to be so worried about bad things happening and chances are the problem is not going to be that bad or it's going to go away completely.

So, if you're one of those people where you're like you got a million things running through your head before sex is happening then practice mindfulness meditation, if can't meditate for 20 minutes a day, start with five and work your way up. This type of practice helps a lot when it comes to not just sex but to life and spending in or spending time with people in general.

3. Train Your Mind Through Masturbation

The other thing is basically changing the way you masturbate, jerk off smarter. If you are jerking off, a lot of times if you guys are cuming within like the first 30 seconds when you masturbate or if you're taking only like a minute or two, that might be what you're training your body to do when you're having sex with a girl. So, if you cum too quickly during your masturbation, it makes sense that you're going to come too quickly when you're having sex with a girl.

When you find yourself about to cum when you're jerking off, stop when you reach that point so they call the point of no return; meaning you're gonna cum no matter what. So, when you reach that point, slow down and take it easy, find out your body, find out what stuff that you can do to make sure that you're not gonna cum too quickly, and stop it.

That way when you're actually having sex, you can see when you hit a point that if you go past it like it's gonna happen no matter what slow down, maybe change positions, do something that where you can help your body relax and make sure that you're not fishing too early.

4. Figure Out The Trouble Position

Find out which additions are making you cum too quickly. If you're like let's say you cum really fast for missionary or something like that maybe it might be better to start off with her on top or something like that was a position where it's not gonna arouse you so much and you can work your way up that way she can get off.

5. Be Comfortable With The Partner

Have open communication, women are actually pretty understanding about this issue. If you're having problems or so you think you just say - "Hey you know this is gonna make me cum too quick, let's start from here ", or if even if you just have a long talk about this sort of issue like you're vulnerable in this area, women are usually pretty understanding.

A lot of them will hold it against you if she's decided to have sex with you, she's already decided that you're like a cool person for hanging out and there's obviously other things that she likes about you enough, she's probably not gonna leave you just cuz you cum too quickly on the first date. If you've built a good enough foundation maybe if you pulled this girl from a bar within like 5-10 minutes of talking to her and this happens to you, yeah she might not want to see you again because obviously she just wanted to get laid.

If you've been on a few dates with a girl, then feel free to talk to her, be open have open communication. This is going to help you relax before you have sex but it's gonna help her relax too and the more comfortable you guys are with each other, the better the sex is gonna be.

6. Get In Shape

If you are huffing and puffing, if you're your breathing's off a lot of this stuff comes down to the way you're breathing, if you find yourself kind of hyperventilating when you first start then it's gonna be that you're gonna cum really quickly because your breathing is not controlled, it's not relaxed it's - coming to that point where when you cum, your breathing starts going out quickly.

So, try to control your breathing at the beginning where it's at a level where it's not going too quickly. Again practicing meditation mindfulness, is really gonna help you out with your breathing cuz a lot of meditation is in fact reading. So, focus on controlling your breathing, and what's gonna help out with that - is being in shape.

If you're in good physical shape, you should be in control of your breathing but if you're not if you're like your cardiovascular system is completely shot right when it starts, you're gonna be breathing and panting very heavily and that's not gonna help you well when it comes to sexual performance. So, hit the gym, get in shape and make sure your cardio is up, and do the treadmill and playing sports vigorous activity is what you should be focusing on here.

7. Not All Sex Has To Be You Thrusting

It doesn't have to be penetration in the entire time, there's a lot of fun stuff that you can and that doesn't involve that sort of thing you be doing giving each other oral. You could be doing some hand stuff, you could be you know biting her in certain areas, you could be just feeling the rest of her body enjoying her presence like feeling her breath.

All of these types of things are associated with sex but they're not necessarily penetration and there is a lot of fun and if you've learned to enjoy them, then chances are you're gonna be able to enjoy the experience as opposed to just feeling like this is like a test that you have to pass and to perform, that's not gonna make it fun for you or for her. So, learn to appreciate experiment, find out what other stuff that you like besides those key positions that are making you bust too quickly.

8. Possible Hormone Deficiency

The final thing that we're gonna say about this is, if you've tried all of this stuff where you're comfortable with your partner, you're controlling your breathing, you're in shape, if you come too quickly, you're ready to go for round two and if all of these things don't work for you then there might be something wrong with your hormones.

That it's for 99% of you it's a psychological issue where if you're you start to relax a little

bit and you train your mind and you know you're training the way you masturbate, you can fix this issue pretty easily but if there's a hormone deficiency, you need to start leading a healthier lifestyle, if you're suffering from a hormone deficiency, like you don't have enough testosterone in your blood then you need to start exercising regularly.

Eating healthy, getting regular good sleep, all of these things facilitate the production of testosterone and other hormones that are pretty impactful when it comes to your sexual performance. So, maximizing those leads to a healthier lifestyle and if you're doing a bunch of drugs, alcohol, smoking weed all of this stuff contributes negatively to your testosterone production.

It doesn't mean that you have to cut those out completely but you should monitor how much you're doing. If you've tried everything else then this is this might be a good place to start but for most of you out there, especially if you're a young guy, it's probably one of these things.

That's basically for today's tips and those are 8 proven tips to last longer in bed. If you like this post and found it informative, drop a like and comment down below.



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