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5 Awesome Tips To Talk To Girls Even If You're Shy - Pillar Advice

If you're a single guy and you're average good-looking dude compared to other dudes, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and just been like - "Damn you know I'm so good-looking, and if only I wasn't so shy around girls!". There's something that really happens to a lot of guys, and that kind of spark we got wasn't bad.

There was a dude that thought he looked pretty average or at least as good or if not better than the rest of his friends, but he can't seem to get a girl. So, today we are here to talk about five awesome things that you can do to talk to girls even if you're shy.

1. Engage With Strangers

In fact, there are zero pressure methods that you can do on a regular basis to get more relaxed slowly on your way. Talking to people like when you go up to a cashier or your waitress and say " Hi! ", ask them their name or how their day is going, something super simple or if you're in a retail store, you can go up to a sales associate and ask for help finding a certain product or ask them what they think of their opinion of a product. The goal here is not to have a long conversation and become a conversationalist but instead, just be able to engage in these social interactions daily just to be more accustomed to them.

2. Build A Plan

Shyness, that's a problem, and it has a solution, like every other problem. For example, if you're overweight that's a problem; your solution is cutting down fat to be able to solve that and get to that end goal, you build a plan that includes changing your lifestyle and your fitness your eating habit. It's no different being shy to be able to go from shy to confident, you need a road map, you need a strategy, and it's really very easy, those are -

i) Love yourself and who you are as a person.

ii) Improve your appearance.

iii) Go out and practice.

iv) Approach your crush.

3. Practice In Front Of A Mirror

There are some guys that are so socially awkward that their faces just scream " I'm weird ". So to be able to take that, the first step that we just talked about and it's almost impossible to them, they can't even engage in small talk. If that's the case for you, you're not alone and that's completely fine, you just need more work and more effort put into it one easy hack that you can do on yourself.

While you're in the bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror and try to have a conversation with yourself in the mirror. Now you can see your gestures, your hand movements, your facial expressions, and your overall demeanor. What you want to do is adapt accordingly to ensure that you look more confident overall and not anxious and uncomfortable.

4. Remove The Thought Of What's Next

Most guys are scared or shy because they think that as soon as they make the first step, and they finally get the courage to be able to even say " Hi ", they won't know what's next and the truth is no one knows what's next, all you can do is go in there and get started.

Your best game plan is to be able to ask open-ended questions, so when they ask you something, have a list of about three to four open-ended questions you can ask to salvage the conversation. Then you can ask questions like, if you're in a school, you can ask questions like - What made you take this major? This exam was super tough! How do you even study for it?

This will allow her to open up and give you a long explanation, and you can take bits and pieces and keep asking more and more questions when she gives you a long explanation. They give it as three branches, as soon as she gives you one branch, break off and ask her and a different question from that branch to keep the conversation going.

5. You Aren't A Fortune-Teller

Your shyness and your fear of rejection come from the fact that you think that you can predict the future and you can't. Our friend Ryan DM a girl that he thought was beautiful and she turned out to be his soul mate, and now he's engaged to her and he even said that if he had second-guessed himself, he'd never be that happy.

That's basically it for today's tips and we hope you enjoyed it. If you like this post and found it informative, don't forget to share and comment down below.



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