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6 Things That Make A Man Attracted To A Woman - Pillar Advice

Do you think you're attracted to women? Are you conscious that you're attractive? You may have investigated the rules of attraction and may have been working so hard to be a magnet. The fact that has crossed your mind is that you would love to be a chick magnet and you would love for girls to look at you and just desire you, just want you, the same way you want them and that's a reasonable one. So many guys do too so today we're gonna show you the top six things that we can guarantee you instantly just makes you more desirable to women.

1. Be Care-Free

Women find dangerous men just sexy as there's something sexy about that and like we said before to be carefree or to be a bad boy you don't have to risk your life or be a gangbanger to actually achieve this level. You just have to be spontaneous and just carefree, be a loop. So just don't worry about the situation is too much and be confident, always speak your mind and don't worry or be as scared about what others are gonna think about your opinion.

2. Have A Dog

According to a French study, women were three times more likely to give their phone number out to a random guy in the street if they had a dog versus a guy that didn't have a dog and this is because when guys have a dog, the signals that it sends to girls is that you're caring, that you're kind, that you're thoughtful and pretty much overall ultra-desirable.

3. Read More

Do you want to know one secret line that you can always use on any date that will literally drop her panties and you're not even flirting? You want to start off the line or the sentence was something like - "The last book I read talked all about...." and that's a game over.

That girl she's giving you a second date because just the fact that you threw in there that you were wise enough to invest in your intellect and if you read books, she's gonna want to make a husband out of you and have your babies and this is because most boys she's met are probably too dumb and you are a breath of fresh air.

4. George Clooney Effect

A 2010 study of almost 4,000 people showed that women in general just tend to find guys that are older more attractive and this is because as guys age, they become financially independent, wiser, and can actually provide for them. This ends up making her feel more safe and protected and overall makes you look more desirable to her, the easiest way to look older is swapping your dress code, avoid the trendy stuff and the very youthful trench-like torn jeans, or wearing Air Force Ones all the time. Opt for a smarter dress code that will instantly make you look of higher status and also a little bit old.

5. Find Somebody Within Your League Or Maybe A Little Bit Below

Earlier people tend to partner up or mate with other people that are just as equally attractive as they are, and what psychologists have found is that when you mate outside of your league what's gonna happen is that you're gonna always worry that since she's up here and she's out of your league and you're always gonna be worried that she's gonna get up and leave because she's the best you've ever had and she's gonna sense the insecurity and you become less desirable.

However, when you date out on your league or maybe a little bit below your league, she's gonna be happy with you and find you ultra-desirable because she's gonna think you're the best that she's ever had. You just flipped the roles and made yourself look ultra-desirable.

6. Halo Effect

This is an effect where people subconsciously take one aspect of a person and literally drape their entire personality under it which is why people take beautiful people or people that are ultra attractive and automatically assume that they're gonna be good at a certain job or just fun to hang around with just because they're beautiful. So an easy trick is if you're always nice and honest with people, they're gonna automatically assume that you're just this great overall guy because of this single treat that stands out above everything else.

That's basically it for today's tips and those are six hacks or tricks that you can do to be more desirable to women and this work 100%. If you guys like this post, and found it informative, don't forget to share and comment down below.



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