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7 Things You Don't Realize That Makes You Attractive To Girls - Pillar Advice

The main frustration guys have boils down to one singular problem, one singularity that's that men don't understand women. We as dudes really have no clue what they like and what attracts them because our money, our looks, our fancy stuff or our celebrity status will only take us so far.

Here's the truth, once you start understanding almost everything that really attracts her, that really draws her in and connects to you, it's completely free. Today we're gonna talk about those seven things so you can use them purposely use them intentionally and attract a girl that you want.

1. Being Thoughtful

Women love when they know that they're always on your mind, a great example of this is " good morning messages ". If you can send that girl a good morning message before she wakes up and does it sporadically often, this girl is gonna be so emotionally attached and attracted to you that it doesn't matter if you drive a Lambo or a Civic, she's

gonna think you're the sexiest guy in the world in her eyes.

Now here's a fair warned, don't be the nice guy. This only works if this girl is already somewhat attracted to you, the reality is if the girl has zero attraction to you and you're sending your a good morning and good night messages and telling her she's beautiful all the time, now you just look creepy and like the nice guy and at that point, most girls just find it annoying.

2. Being Knowledgeable

Be a guy that is a fountain of information, and the only way to do that is by constantly learning. The truth is that women are attracted to power, and knowledge is power, my friend. You don't have to be physically strong or beginning into fistfights, if you have good knowledge, women are gonna melt, that makes them weak because the reality is there's a lot of boys out there.

There are very few men, men that are knowledgeable and we know what you're thinking- " Oh I don't have any college experience?, I dropped out of college or I don't have the money to go to college or I don't like school! ", buddy, school is not the only way to learn new things; you got the power of the Internet, you got audiobooks, you can learn from them.

3. Being Emotionally Strong

This doesn't mean that you can't cry, we think that's also unattractive but what it means is that you can't be emotionally needy or annoying or easily offended. We feel like our generation gets offended by the stupidest things, when the reality is we're men and you shouldn't let another person's words affect your mood and your mental state, you are valuable and you should know how valuable you are because that emotional strength is what makes you attractive.

4. Using Proper Grammar

Ask yourself this question when you're texting her- Is she texting a boy or is she texting a man? Are you bombarding her with swear words, calling her a dude or a bro, bombarding her with LOLs, or using improper punctuation, she's just gonna think you're another boy that she's talking to and she ain't gonna be attracted to you. Women are attracted to maturity, that's why women most women are attracted to guys that are of older age; your grammar is a direct representation of how mature you are.

5. Being Present

Here's a sad part, most guys I either so fully enamored by this chick that they're just staring at her like a piece of meat, worshiping her, or completely ignoring her, all of which are killing your attraction to her. She knows you're not paying attention to her and instead are in love with her, could care less about her, or just wants to bang her.

However, if you can be fully present with her with great eye contact, amazing listening skills, and having a conversation that's interruption-free, this will give her a sense of feeling deeply seen and appreciation.

6. Being Spontaneous

If your girl can predict every single move down to the T from the word you're gonna say the moves you're gonna do and even your sexual moves, you are in trouble, the death of attraction is predictability. The truth is she's just gonna get bored, so change it up, take her out on a different date something you wouldn't do before, get her flowers just because tell her she's beautiful, or maybe just show her off, women love to be shown off, do things you wouldn't regularly do to in fuel that passion back into her and make her attracted to you.

7. Leadership Skills

Women love when you take control in your decisive because they'll just sit in the back and they're thinking man, that's my man and they're just gonna let you work and the truth is you're not even trying but you're attracting her. This primitively makes sense because men with good leadership qualities are almost always the alpha dog, other men, well they submit to them and that gives them power, that power is what she's attracted to because it gives her a sense of security and protection.

That's basically it for today's tips and those are seven things that you don't even realize are attracting her. If you guys liked this post and found it informative, don't forget to share and comment down below.



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