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7 Types Of Women Every Man Should Date | Best Types Of Girls To Date - Pillar Advice

There isn't a legit sea of women out there that you're gonna have to swim through and today we will save you from drowning and help you swim through the confusing sea so you don't get swallowed up by these thirsty women.

Today, we're gonna help you and show you the seven types of women every dude should date and when you do, it's gonna change your life, they're gonna make you happy. It's time for us men to be picky, women have been picky all the time and there are dudes out here simping, it's time to flip the script, it's time for you to be picky and have her meet your requirements when you find these seven types of women, they're gonna change your life.

1. The Good Student

She's smart, intellectual, and not just a basic IG girl where the depth of you guys' conversation will be - How can I get more likes? Her pursuit is to get intellectually better and this also includes a girl that is a hard worker and trying to scale her career up. This type of girl, doesn't party every weekend or waste time on simple pleasures, she's focused and it's hot and it's fun to date.

2. The Strong-Willed One

Contrary to popular belief, you don't actually want a yes woman, you think that's what you want but the truth is it gets boring real fast, and as men that have strong characters, you're just gonna end up blocking all over. You want someone that's strong-willed that keeps you on your toes, someone that actually costs you or took your effort to conquer.

As men, we're competitive by nature so it's proven that we guys, like girls that are hard to get. Now, this type of girl, she ain't easy to get at first but once you do, she's lured now to get this type of girl, you're gonna have to be smart like super smart like your first step we've recommend.

3. A Girl Who Takes Care Of Herself

This is the girl you want, you don't want to go that won't you get into a relationship, she just lets herself go. You want to go that could consistently take care of herself because you'll be proud to show her off and it'll keep you on your toes and it keeps the relationship refreshed because you also will be motivated to take care of yourself, so you both are pursuing a healthier lifestyle.

4. The Girl That Motivates You

Will never experience this type of relationship until you meet a girl that's hungry that will build you up like no other girl will see. She'll keep you on your toes and if you're a strong man, you're not gonna be threatened by her success or her hunger but instead, you're gonna be motivated by her drives.

You both are gonna feed off each other's energy to keep pushing forward. These girls are rare like you'll rarely find this type of girl in the jungle since most just wanted to be taken care of but when you find her and you date her, you're gonna have an "Aha" moment.

5. A Girl That Your Mother Loves

It's just so much easier when your girl gets along with your family and vice versa. Now there are great partners that for whatever reason can't seem to get along with their parents but if you can find that one that works great with you and works great with your family, you got a winner.

6.The One

This is the one that makes you smile, the one that fills all the requirements, the one that laughs at your jokes and you laugh at her. You'll know you found the one when even these boring monotone tasks become these euphoria-filled events just because you're spending them with her. You can trust her, she's not too jealous but she protects what's hers.

Now once you do find the one, don't be stupid and do the normal guy thing and end up cheating on her PS here's a little side note, if you found the one, if you had any sort of doubt of spending the rest of your life with her or for whatever reason makes you that idea makes you uneasy, you haven't found the one yet.

7. The Down To Earth Chick

These are the best because she's not a gold digger, she doesn't expect you to be perfect and she's not with you for your money or the potential of you being able to make money or where you can buy her. This type of girl is down-to-earth, she's realistic, she knows she understands, this is the type of girl all dude should be dating.

That's basically it for today's tips and those are seven types of women every dude should try to date. If you guys liked this post and found it informative, don't forget to share and drop us a comment down below.



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