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How To Be A Guy Every Girl Wants - Pillar Advice

It's clear that you're just tired of that random guy just coming in and taking the woman of your dreams and you just stand there wondering what the hell happen to you and you thought she was interested in you and she could have been.

The problem was that the other guy that came in was just one notch on top of you and was that guy that every woman wants, he owned that top spot. So today we're gonna show you everything you need to know so you can become the man that every girl wants.

1. You Have To Be Genuine

There's nothing more beta than trying to be somebody else. Do you think an alpha male waste his energy trying to be someone else to impress a girl? Heck no, that's why he's on top and women find him irresistible. Do you probably think that being yourself will probably drive women away? The truth is there's nothing more charming than being who you are and being confident in that.

2. Grow Up

You have to stop being irresponsible and acting like a little kid. Even if you're 20 women love the thought of dating older men because of their wisdom and their experience. Hence, why you hear so many of them say that they're tired of all these little boys. Women want a man and this has nothing to do with your age or your physical size, you have to start taking full responsibility for your actions and your decision. Don't throw around blame or act like the victim because by the way you must handle your failures and this will tell a lot about how you are as a man.

3. Invest Into Yourself

You should make yourself look like the prize when you put in the time in the work to make yourself look good and develop your personal skills and your careers. Think of it as a peacock, once you're fully developed you're fully bloomed, you're gonna stand out from all the other bland guys, and women will literally run towards you and flop, that's just how it worked and when your feathers are fluffed women will come running.

4. Be Strong Both Mentally And Physically

No woman wants a girly man, it just goes against their biological nature, and primitively speaking, women will always be attracted to the stronger man because it just makes them feel safe. When she's in your presence, don't be the guy that throws a temper tantrum or be just melodramatic and sad. Be smart and practice self-control and that's gonna turn her on.

5. Never Chase A Girl

You should never follow her or chase a girl because you like her, and following her are two different things. Men that follow women allow them to take the lead of their relationship which instantly just lets her know that you were weak and unsure of yourself and this usually always happens to the nice guy that is afraid of losing her and guess what that's exactly what you must avoid. Women love men that can take charge, men that are decisive, men that take the lead. Being strong and making the call is just what other males are doing, which is why she's chasing the other guys and not the nice guy.

6. Don't Be Needy

You don't want to be needy. As soon as you make her as if you need her to function, she dips, this is why nice guys are left clueless wondering why she would go after the bad boy that ignores her that cheats on her and treats her like crap versus the nice guy that gives her everything because he needs her for validation. Women don't want that instead, you want to show her that you want her because of how she makes you feel because of how attractive she is whatever that reason is, but once you do get her, you have the confidence in knowing that she's with you and only you.

Don't smother her with meanness because that's when they leave or just completely ignore you for some reason, the less you show that you need them, the more they'll act like they need you which is exactly why we mentioned before, invest in yourself working yourself and just watch how they follow.

That's basically six things that you can start doing to become the man that every woman wants. If you guys liked this post and found it informative, don't forget to share and comment down below.



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